I agree Splash it is " a big deal" but I can't help being filled with mixed emotions on this.
Because i own 2 expensive watches, and as a witness I wore them. It never came up as a big deal, and ummmmmmm if it did I would answer truthfully one was an inheritance the other I bought from money my Great Aunt left me, because I wanted something always to remember her by.
Maybe I am missing the point, but my issue with the G.B has nothing to do with what suits, ties or watches they wear. I guess I am naive on this matter. But I am glad this issue has become " a big deal" for many as it seems to be opening closed eyes.
Having said that on another post today I wrote:-
" When the G.B appear on their own T.V evangelising show:-
a) The witness persona of the G.B is less mystical and the G.B can be seen for who they are.
b) The witness can clearly see who comes up with the shit they believe.
The Rebel.